In addition to the mandatory 'Blue' Enrolment Form, Diamond Hills Preschool also requires all families to complete a number of acknowledgement and consent forms. Some of these may include information or documents that you also include in your 'Blue' Form
Before completing this form please ensure you have access to relevant PDF format files including
Immunisation History Statement – Date of Issue must be no older that 1 week from current date - All Enrollments
Birth Certificate - All Enrollments
Medical Management Plan - If Applicable
For more details please see the relevant section of this form
Please read through the included information. Full copies of all policies is available on request via email to [email protected]
Please complete this online form by FRIDAY 16th NOVEMBER.
Please also completed and return the HARD COPY 'Blue' Enrolment Form, a SIGNED HARD COPY of the Families Code Of Conduct (signed by all families members/friends who regularly drop off or pick up your child from Preschool) that have been posted & emailed to each family and include a HARD COPY of your child’s Australian Immunisation Record at the AGM on Tuesday 27th November 2018. If you have not received your hard copy forms in the post please contact us via email [email protected] .
By completing and submitting the form below you are agreeing to our Privacy & Confidentiality Policy as summarised below. We believe your privacy is important. Diamond Hills Preschool has developed a Privacy and Confidentiality Policy that illustrates how we collect, use, disclose, manage and transfer personal information, including health information. This policy is available on request. To ensure ongoing funding and licensing, our service is required to comply with the requirements of privacy legislation in relation to the collection and use of personal information. If we need to collect health information, our procedures are subject to the Health Records Act 2001. Purpose for which information is collected The reasons for which we generally collect personal information are given in the table below.
Personal information and health information collected in relation to:
Primary purpose for which information will be used:
Children and parents/guardians
To enable us to provide for the education and care of the child attending the service
To manage and administer the service as required
The Approved Provider if an individual, or members of the Committee of Management/Board if the Approved Provider is an organisation
For the management of the service
To comply with relevant legislation requirements
Job applicants, employees, contractors, volunteers and students
To assess and (if necessary) to engage employees, contractors, volunteers or students
To administer the individual’s employment, contracts or placement of students and volunteers
Please note that under relevant privacy legislation, other uses and disclosures of personal information may be permitted, as set out in that legislation. Disclosure of personal information, including health information Some personal information, including health information, held about an individual may be disclosed to: · government departments or agencies, as part of our legal and funding obligations · local government authorities, for planning purposes · organisations providing services related to employee entitlements and employment · insurance providers, in relation to specific claims or for obtaining cover · law enforcement agencies · health organisations and/or families in circumstances where the person requires urgent medical assistance and is incapable of giving permission · anyone to whom the individual authorises us to disclose information. Laws that require us to collect specific information The Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 and the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011, Associations Incorporation Act 1981 and employment-related laws and agreements require us to collect specific information about individuals from time-to-time. Failure to provide the required information could affect: · a child’s enrolment at the service · a person’s employment with the service · the ability to function as an incorporated association. Access to information Individuals about whom we hold personal or health information are able to gain access to this information in accordance with applicable legislation. The procedure for doing this is set out in our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy, which is available on request. For information on the Privacy and Confidentiality Policy, please refer to the copy available at the service or contact the Approved Provider/Nominated Supervisor.